Svijet spašavanja ostao bez prof.Dr.Gerharda Flore

U 86. godini života umro je Gerhard Flora, liječnik, profesor, jedan od utemeljitelja svjetske spasilačke organizacije ICAR, dugogodišnji presjedatelj medicinske komisije ICAR-a, nekadašnji podpredsjednik ICAR-a i njezin počasni član.

Iz ICAR-ovog ureda stigla nam je tužna vijest o njegovoj smrti:

Dear ICAR Community

Today we have received the sad news from our member organization ÖBRD Austria, that Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Flora has passed away on October 22, 2015.

He was there at ICAR’s birth, was active for many years in the ICAR Alpine Emergency Medicine Commission, was our Vice-President and becoflorame an ICAR Honorary Member.

Please find the obituary of his rescue unit together with the official announcement enclosed (available in German only).

Our thoughts are with him and his family…

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