Priopćenje za javnost GSSuBiH/Press Release

Policija,Specijalna policija, FUCZ, HGSS Hr., GSSuBiH, Oružane snage, bile su u terenu potrage proteklog vikenda, preko 140 tragača spašavatelja su u ova dva dana pretraživali područje potrage za nestalim talijanskim svećenikom Lucianom Ciciarellijem.
8 potražnih timova sa psima su uključeni u potragu.
Nedeljna kiša je otežala potragu, učinivši kretanje po stjenovitom području opasnijim ali to nije spriječilo spašavatelje da obave sve zadaće koje su dobili od vođe potrage.
Područje traženja je prošireno i na sjeveroistočne predjele općine Čapljina.
Helikopter Oružanih snaga sa najkvalitetnijom posadom je letio 2.5h. po dogovorenim zonama. Iz njega se osmatralo, snimalo, te su se digitalni materijali kasnije analizirali. Uočili smo nekoliko sumnjivih predmeta na fotografijama, otišli u teren, provjerili i nismo našli ništa što bi ukazalo na dokaz da je nestali tu boravio ili prolazio..
Dva paramotora su u subotu bila u zoni potrage. Kolege iz Imotskog-HGSS stanica Makarska došli su sa bespilotnom letjelicom-dron. Radili smo video-zapise stjenovitih terena koji gravitiraju rijeci Neretvi, pregledavali zapise i nismo našli ništa što bi bilo bitno za potragu.
HGSS Hrvatske nam daje punu potporu, došle su nam spašavatelji iz Šibenika, Makarske, Orebića, Dubrovnika, Metkovića, Imotskog, Splita, sa potražnim psima, zapovjednim vozilom….
Federalna Uprava Civilne zaštite je poslala vozilo sa potražnim timovima sa psima.
Vlasnici Etno kuće su nam ustupili cijeli objekt gdje smo smjestili bazu potrage, odakle šaljemo timove na teren. Vlasnici pansiona Ivanković nam pomažu logistikom, hranom, smještajem. Iz Župnog ureda u Međugorju podržavaju, pomažu, nude pomoć, imamo punu potporu lokalnog stanovništva.
Danas je deveti dan potrage i ljudi su iscrpljeni. Vikend-podrška od strane vladinih institucija je nedovoljna.
Krajnje je vrijeme da se GSSuBiH postavi od strane vladinih institucija na mjesto koje mu pripada, da se kvalitetno ugradi u sustav zaštite i spašavanja, obzirom da je trenutno na dnu ljestvice u hijerarhiji zaštite i spašavanja a već godinama preuzimamo odgovornost kod incidenata i katastrofa i odgovaramo na sve izazove profesionalno. Pokoja pomoć od županijske Civilne zaštite minorna u odnosu na posao koji obavljamo. Naši kolege iz Sarajeva i Srebrenika nemaju vozilo niti gorivo za doći u Međugorje da nam pomognu a treba nam ljudi.
Pomalo je apsurdno da nevladina grupacija, volonteri, amateri, kakvi jesmo mi u GSSuBiH koji se bavimo spašavanjem, da budemo prvi nositelji aktivnosti i najodgovorniji za vođenje događaja kao što je ovaj, a radi se o nestanku stranog državljanina, pa još i svećenika. Velika je pozornost javnosti, velika je odgovornost cijele naše države da pokaže kako će odgovoriti na ovaj incident, a država to prepušta volonterskoj, nevladinoj grupaciji uz sporadičnu vikend-podršku vladinih službi.
Doima se neozbiljnim, usprkos tome što je GSSuBiH pokazao i dokazao u brojnim kriznim situacijama do sada da se vrlo profesionalno nosi sa ovakvim i sličnim krizama, nameće se samo po sebi razmišljanje da ovakva ozbiljna asocijacija zaslužuje priličniji tretman od strane vladinih institucija i radi samog digniteta naše države, kad ih neko pita o tome tko u ime države BiH vodi i koordinira potragu za nestalim stranim državljaninom. Naravno da je sustavno zbrinjavanje GSSuBiH samim tim i jačanje naših službi koje onda mogu još bolje odgovoriti na ovakve izazove, uz minimalne troškove jer, zapravo oprema i obuke za GSS nisu ni previše skupe a GSSuBiH se pokazuje vrlo efikasnim resursom.
GSSuBiH sa svojim spasilačkim službama i HGSS Čitlukom kao domaćinom koji vode ovu potragu nema dovoljno snaga da iznese ovaj posao iako činimo sve, pa i više od toga. 9. dan za redom naši ljudi ostaju do 02 i do 03 sata ujutro na potrazi da bi ujutro išli na redovni posao, pa opet poslije posla u Međugorje na potragu do kasnih večernjih sati, pa ujutro opet na posao. Potrošili smo ljude prilično. I noćas su iza ponoći dva potražna tima sa psima došli iz terena potrage a preko dana je jedna grupa spašavatelja bila na brdu Križevac da istraži prijavljeno prisustvo mirisa u terenu.
Tražili smo i dobili pomoć od županijskog Mup-a. i od Oružanih snaga BiH i od FUCZ, i od ostalih službi koje se bave zaštitom i spašavanjem, ali tu ima još puno prostora da se stvari poslože još bolje i kvalitetnije.
GSSuBiH stenje pod pritiskom koji traje i ne prestaje, a mi imamo ograničene mogućnosti, te nam pomoć u smislu jednokratnih „gašenja požara“ ne pomaže mnogo. Sustavna potpora države bi bila jedino pravo rješenje za GSSuBiH da konsolidira i osnaži svoje spasilačke službe za puni odgovor na krize i izazove ovakvog karaktera.
Vodimo razgovore i konsultacije sa vodećimP1110414 DSC_5503 (Small) DSC_5484 (Small) DSC_5491 (Small) DSC_5492 (Small) search-managerima iz HGSS Hr., provjeravajući našu analitičnost i strategiju koju smo primjenili na terenu. Analiziramo vrijedne podatke koje dobivamo od mobilnog operatera M-tel u čijoj je mreži bio mobilni telefon nestalog, prenosimo ih u naše digitalne karte i pravimo procjene, te donosimo odluke o tome gdje poslati sljedeće timove u teren. Sve to traje danima, analiziramo i obrađujemo informacije postavljamo puno upitnika a dobivamo malo odgovora. Zapravo nam je podatak o pokrivanju terena baznih stanica jedini iole čvrst dokaz da se telefon nestalog nalazi u brdima, što ne znači nužno da se i nestali tamo nalazi ???.
GSSuBiH ne prestaje sa naporima da ovu potragu privede kraju uspješno, ali želimo ukazati na potrebu za kvalitetnijim pristupom problemu od strane naše države.


Press Release
The police , Special police ,FACP ,CMRS, GSSuBiH ,Armed Forces were in terrain search last weekend. More than 140 rescuers in these two days participated in searching the area for the missing Italian priest Luciano Ciciarelli.
8 SAR teams with dogs were involved in the search.
Sunday rain has complicated the search, making moving around the rocky area dangerous, but it did not stop rescuers to perform all the tasks that have been given to them by search manager.
Area of search was extended to northeastern areas of the municipality of Capljina .
Helicopter of Armed Forces with top-quality crew flew 2.5 hours above agreed areas. From it was performed observing, filming, and the digital materials were later analyzed. We observed a number of suspicious objects in photos, went to terrain, checked and found nothing to indicate the evidence that missing priest resided there or was in passing ..
Two paragliders on Saturday were in the area of the search. Colleagues from Imotski, CMRS station Makarska, came with drone. We filmed video recordings of rocky terrain that gravitates around river Neretva, examined the records and found nothing that would be vital for the search.
Croatian MRS gives us full support, rescuers came from Sibenik, Makarska, Orebić, Dubrovnik, Metkovic, Imotski, Split, with SAR teams with dogs, command vehicle ….
Federal Civil Protection sent a vehicle with SAR teams with dogs.
Ethno house owners have put to our use the entire building where we organized the search base from where we send teams to the field. The owners of B&B Ivankovic help us with logistics, food, accommodation. From the parish office in Medjugorje we have support and help. We have the full support of local people.
Today is the ninth day of search and people are exhausted. Weekend support by government institutions is insufficient.
It is finally time that government institutions put GSSuBiH to their rightful place, that it becomes incorporated in the system of protection and rescue, as it is currently at the bottom of the hierarchy of protection and rescue especially considering that for years, in liabilities, in accidents and disasters, we respond to all challenges professionally. Occasional help from the county Civil Protection is minor compared to the work we do. Our colleagues from Sarajevo and Srebrenik do not have a vehicle or fuel to come to Medjugorje to help us and we need people.
It is somewhat absurd that non-governmental groups, volunteers, amateurs, as we are we in GSSuBiH, are the first leaders of the activities and the most responsible for the management of events like this, and it is the disappearance of a foreign national, who is even a priest. There is a great deal of public attention and there is a responsibility of our entire country to show how it will respond to this incident, and state has left to a voluntary, non-governmental group, to be in charge, with sporadic weekend support from government
services. It seems frivolous, despite we have demonstrated and have proven in a number of crisis situations so far to be very professional dealing with these and similar crises. The fact that this serious association deserves more appropriate treatment by government institutions imposes itself, if nothing, for the sake of dignity of our country, when someone asks about who in the name of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina leads and coordinates the search for the missing foreign citizen. Of course that systematic care for GSSuBiH means strengthening our services, which then can better respond to these challenges, at minimal cost, because, actually, equipment and training for the mountain rescue are not too expensive and GSSuBiH is proven as a very effective resource.
GSSuBiH with its rescue services and CMRS Citluk as the host who runs this search does not have enough forces to carry out this work although we do everything we can and even more than that . Ninth day in a row, our people remain to the 02 and 03 in the morning in search and then go to a full time job , and again after work in Medjugorje on a search to late in the evening and in the morning back to work. These are volunteers. People are pretty much burned out. Tonight, after midnight, two SAR teams with dogs came from the terrain search and during the day a group of rescuers was on Cross Mountain to investigate the reported presence of odors in the field .
We asked and received help from the county MUP, from the Armed Forces, from the FACP and from other institutions involved in protection and rescue, but there’s still plenty of space to get things to work better.
GSSuBiH is groaning under the pressure that lasts and does not stop, we have limited options, and help that we receive in terms of one-time “fire-fighting” does not help much. Systematic state support would be the only real solution for GSSuBiH to consolidate and strengthen their emergency services for a full response to crisis and challenges of this nature.
We have conversations and consultations with leading search-managers from Croatian MRS checking our analytical work and strategy that we implemented in the field. We analyze valuable informations we receive from the mobile operator M-Tel in whose network is a mobile phone of missing priest. We bring them into our digital maps and make assessments and make decisions about where to send the following teams in the field. All that takes days. We analyze and process information, suggest a lot of question marks and get very little answers. Actually, information from terrain base stations from mobile operators is our only remotely hard evidence that the missing phone is located in the hills, which does not necessarily mean that missing person is also there???.
GSSuBiH does not cease in its efforts to end this search successfully, but we want to point to the need for more quality approach to the problem by the state.

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