Cave rescue course started/Počela obuka speleo-spašavanja

P1110223 (Small)

instruktorski tim

P1110150 (Small) P1110152 (Small) P1110157 (Small) P1110166 (Small) P1110202 (Small) P1110219 (Small)In organization by GSSuBiH and MRS Mostar as the host , started the training of cave- rescue. After introductory lectures and adjusting equipment on Saturday , 04.07. ,  on the next day   7  cave rescuers and 4 instructors worked on the rock cave entrance amphitheater Presječenica in Podveležje above Mostar .

The course is attended by  rescuers from MRS Citluk , MRS Banja Luka, IRS Mostar and  MRS Mostar .

Cave rescue Instructors  from MRS Croatia along with instructors from GSSuBiH are  teaching and doing practical exercises in some of  the most complex techniques of rescue from underground facilities


U organizaciji GSSuBiH i HGSS Mostar kao domaćinima, krenula je obuka speleo-spašavanja. Nakon uvodnih predavanja i podešavanja opreme u subotu,04.07., već sljedećeg dana 7 speleo spašavatelja su sa 4 instruktora radili na stijeni ulaznog amfiteatra spilje Presječenice u Podveležju iznad Mostara .

Na tečaju sudjeluju spašavatelji HGSS Čitluk, GSS Banja Luka, ISS MostarIMG_6496 (Small) IMG_6546 (Small) IMG_6387 (Small) IMG_6419 (Small) IMG_6435 (Small) IMG_6437 (Small) i HGSS Mostar.

Instruktori speleo-spašavanja iz HGSS Hrvatske zajedno sa instruktorima GSSuBiH prolaze sa tečajcima kroz nastavu i praktične vježbe najsloženije tehnike spašavanja iz podzemnih objekata.

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