Course for underwater search and rescue/Obuka potrage i spašavanja pod vodom



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How to search and rescue under water is a problem that in recent time is more and more essential and that was too little discussed in the past, and in fact, it is current and more present in the world of rescue.

This weekend GSSuBiH, with it’s instructors Zoran Vlaho and Goran Mitrić, with the help of an instructor Damir Podnar, leader of Slovenian unit of technical diving and diving instructor of the Slovenian Training Centre for Civil Protection (ICZR- Ig), organized training for this type of rescue.

Protocols and procedures, the various systems of underwater search, lifting using diving lifts, danger under water, raising the injured diver to the surface were some of the topics and practical exercises on the training.

Candidates on the course come from the GSS Srebrenik, PVP Capljina and Mostar ISS.

Teoretical part of the course was held yesterday in the premises of the ISS Mostar, as ISS is host of the  event, followed by practical exercises at Mostar lake today, while tomorrow is planned final exercise, the simulation of search actions and lifting weight that will organized and carried out by candidates under the supervision of an instructor.

Course leader Zoran Vlaho was pleased with commitment and technical competence of 8 young rescuers-course participants who are also the first generation of trained rescuers for underwater rescue intervention in the country.


Kako tragati i spašavati pod vodom problem je kojii se u novije vrijeme sve više nameće i o kojem se u prošlosti premalo govorilo, a zapravo je aktualan i sve više prisutan u svijetu spašavanja.

GSSuBiH sa svojim instruktorima Zoranom Vlahom i Goranom Mitrićem, uz pomoć instruktora Damira Podnara vodje Slovenske jedinice tehničkog ronjenja pri CZ i instruktora ronjenja na Slovenskom obučnom centru za civilnu zaštitu ( ICZR- Ig) ovog vikenda održava obuku kandidata za ovaj vid spašavanja.

Protokoli i procedure, razni sistemi pretrage terena , podizanje tereta upotrebom ronilačkih liftova, opasnosti pod vodom, podizanje unesrećenog ronioca na površinu, teme su predavanja i praktičnih vježbi ove obuke.

Kandidati na tečaju dolaze iz GSS Srebrenik, PVP Čapljina i ISS Mostar.

Jučer su se radila predavanja  u prostorijama ISS Mostar koji je domaćin događanja, danas su usljedile praktične vježbe na Mostarskom jezeru,  a za sutra je planirana završna vježba, simulacija akcije potrage i podizanja tereta koju će samostano organizirati i izvesti tečajci pod nadzorom instruktora.

Vođa tečaja Zoran Vlaho je zadovoljan angažmanom i tehničkom osposobljenosti 8 mladih spašavatelja-učesnika tečaja koji su ujedno i prva generacija školovanih spašavatelja za podvodne spasilačke intervencije u BiH.IMG_2049 (Small) IMG_766811 (Small)

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