Missing S.M. on the Zaba mountain near Hutovo/Nestao S.M. na Žabi iznad Hutova

Some time after noon, GSSuBiH received a call from the PP Neum that in the area of mountain Zaba, between Neum and Hutovo male person disappeared .
Missing person was headed to the top of the hill yesterday morning and from then on is not heard with. Relatives who this morning went looking for him hit a problem with a lack of water-dehydration and called for assistance from the police asking for urgent intervention from GSS.
MRS Citluk headed to the location in order to help relatives and then went in search for the missing person. Other teams from GSSuBiH who are not currently engaged in search at Brcko are also heading to the area.
Extremly high temperatures are lowering the chance to survive outdoors in the rocks and underbrush that prevails in the area of mountain Zaba.
Nešto iza podne GSSuBiH primio je poziv od PP Neum da je u predjelu brda Žaba, između Neuma i Hutova nestao muškarac.

Nestali se zaputio na vrh brda jučer ujutro i od tada mu se gubi trag. Rodbina koja je jutros krenula da ga traži upali su u problem sa nedostatkom vode-dehidracijom i pozvali u pomoć Policiju tražeći hitnu intervenciju GSS-a.

HGSS Čitluk se uputio prema lokaciji u namjeri da pomogne rodbini i potom krenu u potragu za nestalim. Na teren potrage se okupljaju ostali timovi GSSuBiH koji trenutno nisu na potrazi u Brčkom.

Izuzetno visoke temperature znatno ugrožavajuZaba mogućnost preživljavanja na otvorenom prostoru kamenjara i makije koja prevladava u predjelu Žabe.

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