As announced, course for underwater search and rescue will be held in Mostar. The course will last for five days, from 10.07.2015 to 14.07.
Besides GSSuBiH instructors, the course will be held with the support of Slovenian underwater rescue instructors , members of the Speleological Rescue Association of Slovenia .
Along with the members of GSSuBiH, firefighters PVP Capljina will also attend this course.
Host of the event is the ISS ( Emergency Rescue Service ) Mostar , course manager Zoran Vlaho .
Practical training will take place on the lake Salakovac.
These topics, learning and practicing techniques and protocols in underwater search and rescue, are of high relevance especially if we take in to consideration and increasing number of underwater searches in our country.
U Mostaru će se, kako je najavljeno, održati obuka za potragu i spašavanje pod vodom.
Pored instruktora GSSuBiH, tečaj se odvija uz potporu slovenačkih instruktora podvodnog spašavanja, članova Jamarske Reševalne Zveze Slovenije.
Tečaj će trajati pet dana, u vremenu od 10.07. do 14.07., i uz članove GSSuBiH obuku će pohađati i vatrogasci PVP Čapljina.
Domaćin događaja je ISS ( Interventna Spasilačka Služba ) Mostar, voditelj tečaja Zoran Vlaho.
Obuka će se odvijati na terenu jezera Salakovac i teme obuke su učenje i uvježbavanje tehnika i protokola pri podvodnim potragama i spašavanjima kojih u našim krajevima ima sve više.