Month: June 2015
Missing girl seen this morning under The hill if apparitions / Nestala djevojčica viđena jutros pod brdom ukazanja
The latest information suggest that the missing girl was seen this morning under The hill of the apparitions at 10.15 am, and it’s possible that she went to the Apparition Hill. The teams GSSuBiH are sent out to investigate this information. Najnovije informacije govore da je nestala djevojčica jutros viđena …
Missing girl in the village Vionica / U selu Vionica kod Čitluka nestala djevojčica
GSSuBiH breeds a litter of Belgian Malinois rescue dogs / GSSuBiH podiže novo leglo potražnih pasa pasmine Belgijski ovčari

Herzegovinian Mounain Rescue Service Mostar ( HMRSM ), has 10 young search dogs, breed Belgian Shepherd, from mother Hickup received in donation from the Norwegian breeders, and father Bepo, skilled search dog, owner Darko Prizmic, instructor in training search dogs and head of the station Orebić – Mountain Rescue Service …
GSSuBiH monitored over marking routes of ‘’The Our Lady of Sinj Route’’ / GSSuBiH izvršio monitoring nad obilježavanjem Staze Gospi Sinjskoj
SOON: Underwater search and rescue course-Najava tečaja za potragu i spašavanje pod vodom

As announced, course for underwater search and rescue will be held in Mostar. The course will last for five days, from 10.07.2015 to 14.07. Besides GSSuBiH instructors, the course will be held with the support of Slovenian underwater rescue instructors , members of the Speleological Rescue Association of Slovenia . …
GSSuBiH enter to ICAR / GSSuBiH ulazi u ICAR – svjetsku asocijaciju spašavatelja

After the Office GSSuBiH sent an application to Geneva , we recived a positive response by the ICAR . The working group of this prominent international association has positively assessed our application and GSSuBiH has been accepted as candidate for membership in the ICAR . Next in line is evaluation …
Vježba potrage za nestalim zrakoplovom u Srebreniku

GSSuBiH je obilježio ovaj vikend mnogobrojnim aktivnostima. Na planini Majevici je održana združena vježba spasilačkih službi na temu potrage za nestalim zrakoplovom u kojoj je sudjelovalo 12 spasilačkih službi iz cijele države, vatrogasci, specijalna policija,radioamateri, lovci, crveni križ, te HGSS stanica Vinkovci. Predstavnici direkcije za civilno zrakoplovstvo BHDCA su održali …
Pronađeno tijelo nestalog Ibre Begovića

Nakon 21 dan od nestanka Ibre Begovića, mještani Sela Lug, južno od Jablanice, blizu željezničkog mosta Gazela primjetili su tijelo utopljenika. GSS Jablanica,neprestano od dana nestanka poduzima potragu za nestalim i u zadnje vrijeme, svakodnevno obilaze obale Neretve na čamcima i po kopnu. Prema pretpostavkama radilo se o suicidu,te je …