First course of cave rescue in organization GSSuBiH starts on Saturday, 04.07.2015. The course will be held in Mostar and in the nearby caves in Herzegovina and will last 7 days.
This very demanding and complex training will be attended by 7 rescuers from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina with 4 instructors of which 2 from Croatian Mountain Rescue Service and 2 from GSSuBiH.
Zana Marijanovic ( course manager ) and Mihovil Culjak – instructors, and Daniel Buntić, speleologist and mountain rescuer, yesterday equipped an entrance amphitheater of cave Presječenica in Podveležje where first exercise and training will be held.
They made stands and a training ground for the movement on the walls of the cave and usage of all the techniques in speleo rescue. Few days prior to that deminers examined caving facility made sure cave is safe for work.
Lectures will be held in premises of Herzegovinian Rescue Service Mostar who is also the host of events.
Cave rescue is certainly one of the most technically complex categories of rescue in which is engaged very few people, and this is the first training of this type on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
U subotu 04.07.2015.god. kreće sa radom prvi tečaj speleo spašavanja u organizaciji GSSuBiH, koji će se održati u Mostaru i okolnim spiljama u Hercegovini i trajat će 7 dana.
Ovu vrlo zahtjevnu i složenu obuku će pohoditi 7 spašavatelja iz cijele BiH uz 4 instruktora od kojih su 2 iz HGSS Hrvatske i 2 iz GSSuBiH.
Žana Marijanović ( voditeljica tečaja ) i Mihovil Čuljak – instruktori, te Danijel Buntić speleolog i gorski spašavatelj, jučer su opremali stijenu-ulazni amfiteatar pećine Presječenica u Podveležju na kojoj će se raditi prve vježbe i obuke.
Pripremljeni su štandovi i poligon za kretanje po stijeni, izradu Tirolske prečnice, a nekoliko dana ranije su demineri pregledali speleo-objekat i učinili pećinu sigurnom za rad spašavatelja.
Predavanja će se održati u prostorijama HGSS Mostar koja je ujedno i domaćin događanja.
Spašavanje u spiljama je svakako jedna od tehnički najsloženijih kategorija spašavanja kojom se bavi vrlo malo ljudi i ovo je prva obuka ovog tipa na prostorima BiH.